Our Missions

I was made for a Mission.


A look at the local mission field

Associated Churches of Steuben County
With release time Bible classes in the elementary schools of Steuben County, this is by far the largest Bible ministry in the county reaching approximately 900 elementary students, with the potential of reaching every elementary student. The students, with parents’ permission, are voluntarily released from regular class to attend Bible classes. The “Club B” bus parked on our lower parking lot is owned by this organization. The bus is moved to some area schools for classes.
This group employs our own Cora Vee Caswell and Cinnamon Mortorff. They do not have a website.
Reaching children with the Gospel through Good News Clubs, 5-day clubs, and after school events. Cindy Ordway, a regular attender of FMC, is on the ministry staff and teaches in the CEF program.
CCH is a community on campus empowering students to impact the world for Christ. Over 100 students attend their weekly meetings.
This local home is for men who are transitioning from drug and/or alcohol addiction to normal life. FMC attender Rick Newman leads this ministry.
Helping the under-resourced of our community with free food and clothing.
Started by the national Time to Revive ministry, Revive Steuben’s goal is to keep the momentum from the summer of 2016 going in Steuben County through the distribution of Bibles, wristbands and quarterly going out in the community to make contact with the unchurched.
The homeless shelter in Angola, IN provides temporary housing for those who are homeless.
The WIT house is a home for women who are transitioning from drug or alcohol addiction to normal life. FMC attender Shelly Allen leads this ministry.
The Missionary Church USA is portioned into districts across the United States. FMC is part of the North Central District of the Missionary Church. There are 70 churches in our district which makes it the largest concentration of Missionary Churches in a geographical area anywhere in our country. FMC is the second largest church in the district. Each year all the churches in the district are assessed approximately 3% of their offerings to help fund district ministries.
Special Projects:
One of our ministry goals is to help other Missionary Churches in our district in practical ways. These ministry opportunities are chosen on an as-needed basis.
Our denomination’s college in Mishawaka, IN.
Prairie Camp is the youth and adult camp of the North Central District.
Camp Selah, near Reading, MI, is the camp our kids and teens attend. It is an independent Christian camp.
CPCNI ministers to the unborn and their families in our area. We want to help this important ministry both financially and with donations of baby items. The Children’s Resale Spring and Fall Events make significant donations to the CPC from their events in addition to regular support from FMC.
Crossroads Farm – Nancy McNeil
Crossroads Farm is a unique ministry to rural teenagers based out of Reading, MI. Nancy, a regular FMC attender, is on staff.
Youth for Christ of Northeast Indiana
YFC of Northeast Indiana reaches a group of teens with their outreach events that most churches do not touch. They minister with clubs in high schools and junior highs.


Support for new church plants and multiplication of disciples across the country.
Missionary Church USA – US Ministries
This category covers ministries of the denomination inside the U.S. It includes items such as salaries for denominational officials and secretaries at International Headquarters, subsidies to denominational publications that are not totally funded by subscription (Missionary Church Today magazine, etc.), and the publication of promotional materials to cover most projects of the denomination in the U.S. This amount is about 2% of our church offerings.
Sherin is the daughter of our missionaries George and Karen Bellas. Jacob and Sherin live in Riverside, CA and work with EDGE Corps through The Navigators at the University of California Riverside. Edge Corps is a ministry to college students.
Levi and Anna Marti
Anna is Pastor Glenn’s daughter. The Marti’s live in the Seattle, Washington area where they serve with Youth Missions International, a ministry that develops young Christian leaders.
Andy and Cassie Miller
Andy is working in the SEND International Mobilization Department as a Mobilization Coach. Andy was raised here at Fairview. He and his wife, Cassie, and their daughters live in Huntington, IN. 
One of the most popular daily devotionals, FMC receives 300 each quarter, and they are always taken.
Time to Revive is a movement of God looking to revive the church. In the summer of 2016, Time to Revive was in Steuben County and many lives were changed forever.
We are a part of the denomination known as the Missionary Church with its International Headquarters in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The denomination has approximately 100 missionaries around the world under its ministries. The denomination is continually expanding into new fields overseas as the Lord leads.
teach English as a second language as a form of evangilization at Free English Lessons. They are also using video to introduce Muslims to the Gospel. 
Karl and Rachel Anderson – Uganda
Karl and Rachel Anderson are returning to the missions field in Uganda with Pioneers USA. Karl was raised at FMC, and his parents still attend FMC
Donny and Melanie Riley – Liberia
Donny, Melanie, and their family are serving with Hope for Home in the bush country of Liberia. Please click on their name above to read and see all about their life in Liberia and listen to their music. Donny was raised at Fairview, and his parents attend FMC.
Doug and Kari Romey – Mexico
Doug and Kari work with Deeper Water Ministries which exists to “serve the orphans and pastors in Mexico”. Doug is the son of Vincent and Dianne Hansen.
Brian and Suzie Zuercher – Brazil
Brian and Susie were a key part of Fairview when they felt the call to missions over 20 years ago. Brian teaches school at The Pan American Christian Academy. 
Bank Breaking:  This event is held at FMC in March each year. Children receive plastic acorn banks which they fill throughout the year. The money is used to help a special missions project selected by the children with the help of the Children’s Director.
Compassion Child International:  FSM, Fairview Student Ministries, supports an “adopted” child through this program.
Disaster Relief: In the event of an international disaster, we work through Samaritan’s Purse or World Relief, both outstanding Christian relief organizations.
Gideons is an international organization of professional business men who distribute Bibles. They also conduct Bible studies in jails, including the Steuben County Jail.
Pack Away Hunger:  Since we started Pack Away Hunger in 2011, we have packed over 750,000 meals to help fight world poverty. They are sent usually to Central America.
Samaritan’s Purse:  Each year we participate in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project where we fill hundreds of shoeboxes with small gifts to be given out around the world.
Special Assistance Requests:  In recent years we have helped fund several short term mission trips for young adults or families from FMC, helped with relief efforts for major natural disasters, and given to special projects not already in the missions budget.