Our Prayerful Future

During our annual church business meeting on Sunday, January 21, 2018, Pastor Joel shared his vision for the future of Fairview Missionary Church.  
We will continue to be a Bible-believing church in all areas of life no matter the consequences.  We will not back down on what the Bible says is truth. We will teach this truth in a loving/caring way, but truth is truth!
We will stand for truth when necessary.  There are certain issues we can’t stand back and watch. The Strip Club coming to Angola..  The attack on the definition of marriage. Social Injustices.
We will do our best to take care of the poor, the orphan and the widow (social injustice).  We will do this through missions, special projects, support of our missionaries, local benevolence cases, etc.
We will be a praying church. We will be known as the church than can’t do anything without first bathing it in prayer. We want the LORD to be our guide and will not move forward till it has been brought before the LORD.
We will reach the lost. How does a church grow? Good Preaching? Good Music? Nice Building? No, it is through relationships and people. You should be proud of your relationship with Jesus Christ. Romans 1:16 says “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” You should be proud of Fairview Missionary Church. You should want to invite people here because there is something here they need. If you can’t do that, then we need your help so you can. Others should look at your life and want what you have, mainly Jesus Christ! They should see Him in you. We will grow when, as a group of believers, we truly believe and live out what Jesus did. We are all on this journey together.
We will focus on allowing families to worship together. Every month (4 times a year) that has five Sundays, the fifth Sunday will be a family worship service geared towards families. There will be no Children’s Ministry so that everyone is encouraged to worship together.
We will build, as necessary to move forward. I am not afraid to build when we need it. Amphitheater, Soccer Fields, Pavilion, Teen/Children Wing, etc. I don’t like debt, so my goal would be to build debt-free, though I understand this is not always possible.  I don’t want to limit ministry because of accrued debt.
We will have fun. We will serve together. We will laugh together. We will cry together. We will help each other. We will focus on getting everyone plugged into a small group/small church. We will praise God together. We will play together.

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