MOI 2016 Picture

Together Everyone Achieves More!


Join us as we consider what it looks like to be faithful godly men in an ever-changing world.
The purpose of Men’s ministry is not to fill an already busy calendar, but to equip men to be
intentional spiritual investors in their marriages, families, and workplaces.
Please join us as we strive to be disciples who make disciples.
Your brothers,
MOI Leadership Team       


 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

                                                                –Proverbs 27:17

Mission Statement:
  “Encouraging, Equipping, Discipling Men for Christ.”

A-Teams | Welcome – Men’s Home | Wednesday Men’s Group | Men’s Connections 

Men’s Basketball | MOI Upcoming Events | MOI 2018 Brochure



Links of Interest:
Man in the Mirror –  Resources, articles, radio program

Men of Integrity Devotional –  A Devotional About Men, By Men, For Men

National Center on Fathering  Insights, Information, and Training to Become a Better Father
Promise Keepers –  Christian Ministry Uniting Men to Become Godly Influences