Christian Auto Repair Service

Looking to trade in your old vehicle for a different one? C.A.R.S. would like you to consider donating it to them. C.A.R.S. (Christian Auto Repair Service) is a group of FMC guys who take gently used vehicles, make minor repairs on them and recycle them to people in need – usually to FMC people. Sometimes cars are sold to finance repairs to other vehicles. If you do not need the trade-in value of your vehicle, consider donating it to FMC.

Junk car

The vehicle must be in good running order with usable miles left on it.

Click here or here for our informational videos.
Questions about the paperwork, title, etc., for donated cars should be directed to Michelle in the church office.

Questions about whether your car is in good enough condition to donate to the CARS ministry should be directed to Ed Teegardin at 488-2497 or

A huge THANK YOU to those who have donated vehicles to this ministry and an even bigger THANK YOU to the men of the CARS ministry.  This is one of the most practical ministries of the church.