Welcome to Fairview Day Care Ministry

(260) 665-8573 or email Susan Ferrell, our Day Care Director
School age children who joined us for the 2017 summer!
June 30, 2017

2016 Day Care Preschool Graduation

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Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not turn from it.”

Although Fairview Day Care is a ministry of Fairview Missionary Church, the children attending come from many backgrounds. The staff members do not attempt to promote


or seek to change a family’s religious commitment. Christian concepts and virtues will be taught through an atmosphere of love and only basic Biblical principles will be presented.

The Fairview Day Care Ministry was started in the fall of 1989 by Fairview Missionary Church and registered by the State of Indiana Board of Health. It is a self-supporting and a non-profit ministry with the money received being used for operational expenses, salaries and for purchasing supplies for the day care.


All of our full time staff are at least 21 years of age and have at least a high school diploma. Staff are trained in CPR, first aid, and universal precautions. In addition, all staff have had a criminal history check upon employment.


Fairview Day Care Ministry provides a program that understands a child’s early needs in development and growth and we have planned our daily operation around those needs. Each child is encouraged to creatively express his/her feelings through this program designed to enrich his/her social, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development. It is our desire to share with the parents in the total growth and preparation of each child for a good school and home relationship.


Our program is designed for children age 6 weeks through 5 years. Children in kindergarten through grade 3 may attend if they have a younger sibling enrolled in the program, or whose parents are regular attenders of Fairview Missionary Church or parents are employed by the church.


The children are involved in various units of study:  community helpers, safety week, transportation, farm, circus, seasons and others. Some units involve field trips or we have special guests come in to share with us.

We introduce early math concepts by counting, working with the calendar, and learning to recognize and print some of the numbers.

We also expose the children to the ABC’s. They learn to recognize and print some of the alphabet and some learn to print their names.

Through the use of coloring, puzzles, use of scissors and play dough, small muscles are being developed.

Through running, skipping, playing ball, and climbing, the larger muscles are being developed.

Through action songs, finger plays and rhythm band play, the motor skills are being developed.

The children have free play time which is important for their social development.

The children are told Bible stories and taught songs about Jesus which are important to their spiritual development.

Day Care Schedule:

Day Care hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  We have a pre-school type curriculum taught in the morning from 9:00 – 11:15.

6:30 – 8:40 am  Variety of free play
8:40 – 8:50 am  Clean up
8:50 – 9:00 am  Restroom break
9:00 – 9:30 am  Circle time

9:30 – 9:45 am  Snack time

9:45 – 10:30 am  Class time

10:30 – 10:50 am  Gross motor play

10:50 – 11:00 am  Restroom/wash up for lunch

11:00 – 11:30 am  Lunch (1st group)

11:50 – 12:20 pm  Lunch (2nd group)

11:30 – 12:15 pm Variety of play (inside or out)

12:15 – 12:30 pm  Restroom break

12:30 – 2:15 pm  Rest time

 2:15 – 5:30 pm  Snack and free play time

Admission Procedure:

Parents should read carefully the whole handbook. It is important that those wishing the services of our Day Care Ministry have confidence in and agree with the purposes and goals of the ministry. The parents or guardians need to fill out the Child’s Information Forms, the Parental Agreement, the Financial Agreement, and Emergency Information. Applications are received on a first-come, first-served basis. However, if the day care is filled to capacity regular attenders of Fairview Missionary Church are given first chance when there is an opening. An interview should be scheduled with the Director. We encourage you to bring your child with you so both of you have an opportunity to meet the staff and view the facility. It will also help make your child’s first day easier.

The following must be presented at the time of enrollment:

  • Child’s Information Form
  • Parental Agreement
  • Medical Form completed by doctor
  • Financial Agreement
Meals & Treats:


Each child brings their own lunch. Day Care provides refrigeration and drinks (milk). A microwave oven is also available to heat lunches. In the event your child does not bring a lunch on a given day, he/she will be provided a lunch by the Day Care at a cost of $5. This will be added to your bill.


Nutritional snacks are served morning and afternoon each day.


Your child is welcome to bring treats for the group on their birthday (it is helpful if we know in advance).

Financial Information (subject to change):


Full time children:
Infants Room………………$126 per week per child
Toddler to age 3…………..$116 per week, per child (includes preschool)
Children 3 yrs and up……$101 per week, per child (includes preschool)

Families with more than one child attending receive a $25/week discount for the oldest child.
Part time (3 or 4 days/week. Number of days set upon enrollment)
Toddler to age 3……………$76 per week, per child
Children 3 yrs and up…. ..$70 per week, per child
Part time 4 days/week
Toddler to age 3……………..$101 per week, per child
Children 3 yrs and up………..$93 per week, per child
Fees for additional children will be $25 off the regular weekly fee for full time or $5 off per day for part time. We reserve the right to continue the toddler fee for children who are not potty trained by age 3.

Before and after school….$41/week for full time; $33/week 4 days; $25/week 3 days
School closings…………….$21/day for one child, $11 each additional school age child.

If a full week of care is needed, regular child care rates (above) apply.

A complete and detailed day care handbook is available at the church.

July 2014 was the 25th anniversary celebration of our day care ministry

We are glad to provide this ministry for you. We thank you for choosing Fairview Day Care as the place you want to help enhance your child’s preschool days.

We at Fairview Day Care trust that your child’s time with us will be a pleasant and memorable experience. It is our desire that our relationship with your child not replace that of the parents, but rather complement it.

We currently have openings for your children. Call Susan at (260) 665-8573 for more information or to schedule an appointment to tour our facility.