Newcomers:  Times of Service / What to Expect


Two worship services:  9:00 am and 10:30 am in the sanctuary. These two services have the same message and are designed to last approximately 65 minutes.

Parking: There is visitor parking near the canopy, close to the front doors. You are welcome to park there.

Entering the building: Hosts are there to welcome you. Feel free to ask them any questions you may have about where your children go to class, where teens meet, where the nursery is, etc. They will introduce you to someone who can take you to any area of the building you need to go.

What to Wear:  Business casual is the general attire. You will also see blue jeans. Wear what you are comfortable in. We are in a resort area with 101 lakes. We do request no beach wear, please.

Who will I see?  
We are a cross section of the population of our county and the tri-state area. If you live in our area, there are many people you already know who attend FMC and are at the same stage in life as you are. There is a noticeable number of small business owners, community leaders, and people in management who attend here as well.
Worship Style
Our worship services have a blended worship style. The best of the old, traditional songs with new choruses too. A band/orchestra accompanies the worship team. The music is live and many in the congregation clap along with the singing. Videos are used regularly, too.

Adult Small GroupsKnown as Sunday School in some churches, these meet at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:30 am. These are small groups, usually about 10 – 30 people, meeting to study God’s Word and doing life together.

Teens: (FSM – Fairview Student Ministries) 6th grade through 12th grade. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Teens are in the worship service at 10:30 am.

Children: Ages 3 though 5th grade. Two hours of ministry related to their ages and interests. When there are 5 Sundays in a month, the children join the adults in the sanctuary for family worship.

Elementary:  K through 3rd and 4th & 5th grade
Preschool:  Age 3 through pre-K

Nursery:  Available for infants birth through age 2.