Year-end Giving Information

1. If you are mailing your gift, it must be postmarked by December 30, 2017, and the check dated in 2017. This year’s year end giving will go toward upcoming building repairs and maintenance, such as the parking lot, carpet replacement, finishing the roof, etc.

2. If you are giving cash or check in the offering, we can receive it in the offering on December 31, 2017. The check must be dated in 2017 to receive 2017 credit. Please be sure to clearly mark your giving envelope with the year so your gift is properly credited.

3. You get the biggest tax break by giving to the Bethel College Scholarship Fund. A $400 gift gets you $200 directly off your Indiana State tax or a $200 gift gets you $100 off. Get details in the literature rack. Make your check payable to Bethel College and put it in FMC’s offering by December 24, 2017.

4. As a walk of faith, many families pray to give more each year than they did the previous year. If you want to know your giving for last year, or any year, give a note to Michelle, Fairview’s Financial Secretary. Of course, we only keep records of giving for those who have giving numbers. To get a giving number, please drop a note in the offering or ask at the Connection Center.

5. There is a special brochure in the literature rack entitled “Special Gifts and Memorials”. It has many suggestions in it from a few hundred dollars to $10,000,000 for your prayerful consideration. There are other missions organizations and local ministries we support that can use help too. Information about Project Help, and their gift catalog, is in the literature rack. Feel free to contact Pastor Joel as well.

6. At the start of a new year many people start new habits for spiritual growth. If you are being led to consider new habits in giving, you may want to consider E-giving, where your giving can be electronically transferred to the church from you checking, savings, or credit card at an amount and time interval you approve. Get information from the literature rack across from the mailboxes.

7. If you are considering non-cash giving, such as stocks, bonds, real property, the church office should be made aware of your intentions ASAP to make sure all proper paperwork is finished before the end of the year.

8. At this time of year many people make decisions to move their God-given financial resources more directly into Kingdom-impact work. The Missionary Church has two organizations to help you do this:

The Missionary Church Investment Foundation  is our denominational foundation with offices in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Contact them at
Also, United Missionary Loans and Investments, our district loan and investment organization with offices in Elkhart, Indiana. Contact them at
574-293-1332 or Both organizations are chartered under the federal government and have been in existence since the 1950’s. They use our investments to loan funds only to Missionary Churches and related Missionary Church organizations that need funds to expand their ministry facilities.

Thank you for your very generous giving.